Debt Relief Order Reviews and Questions

Are you worried about your debts and looking for a way out? A Debt Relief Order (DRO) might be the answer. This article is here to guide you.

Over 170,000 people visit our site each month seeking advice on debt problems. You’re not alone in this.

In this article, we’ll go over:

  •  A quick summary about Debt Relief Orders
  •  How to get a DRO and what to expect on the application
  •  Positive reviews about DROs to make you feel more at ease
  •  Other options you can consider if a DRO isn’t right for you
  •  Questions you might have about DROs and their answers

We know how it feels to be chased by debts; some of our team have been in the same spot. We’re here to help you find a way out.

Ready to learn more about DROs? Let’s dive in.

Positive Debt Relief Order Reviews

We understand that getting a Debt Relief Order comes with a lot of worry and questions, but to kick things off on a positive note, take a look at what these women had to say about her experience with a DRO:

‚ÄúYeah, I have done one, got it done last August and will be released this August with no debt…hopefully lol. I can honestly say for me it was the best thing I ever did and it got rid of months and months of stress and worry.‚Äù


“I took out a debt relief order in 2012 which ended in March this year, it really was the best thing I [have]ever done, all debts are now written off […]”


These debt solutions can ease all of the pressure that debt brings and erase your worries.

Debt Relief Order Reviews and Common Questions

Below you can find common DRO questions and concerns raised by debt forum users considering a Debt Relief Order:

“I was thinking of getting a debt relief order, but [the] only thing stopping me is it ruining my credit file even more.”\


There are lots of positives about Debt Relief Orders, but the only downside is that they will remain on your credit file for six years. This means you could struggle to get credit or even a mobile contract for six years following your DRO. 

“Has anyone else had experience of debt relief orders and did it affect being able to rent from a private landlord?”


Your credit file is likely to be checked when you use a private landlord, especially if you want to rent a property through a professional letting agency. Having a Debt Relief Order on your credit file can stop you from getting accepted for a tenancy agreement as well. 

“Im so worried that the Debt Relief Order will be refused […] Im not sleeping and I cant eat.”


If you want a Debt Relief Order and meet the criteria, you have nothing to worry about. This is even more true if your insolvency practitioner has assessed the situation and is going ahead with your application. It is highly unlikely that your DRO application will be refused if your insolvency practitioner has approved your suitability. 

‚ÄúThe final thing [Step Change have] asked him to check, is if he’s allowed to carry on banking with his current bank once he has the DRO.‚Äù


This is an interesting concern from a forum user. They are worried that the DRO applicant will not be able to have a bank account with their current bank anymore because the DRO will cover an unpaid loan with the same bank. 

However, this should not be a concern because the bank cannot take action against the individual once the DRO is in place (this would be illegal). And seizing assets and cash can only be done in circumstances relating to bankruptcy ‚Äì not a DRO. 

Where Can I Get a Debt Relief Order?

Debt Relief Order applications cannot be completed by yourself. You need the help of a qualified professional who will look over your application and submit it on your behalf. An application currently costs £90 but you may have to pay for the service of the insolvency practitioner as well. 

These professionals usually work at finance companies, accountancy firms and specialised debt management businesses. Sometimes you can get free support from a debt charity. Step Change UK may be able to help you get a DRO without additional fees beyond the application charge. 

What Questions Are on the DRO Application?

The DRO application form consists of nine sections that assess if you meet the criteria of a Debt Relief Order. We have discussed each section in our dedicated DRO application form questions post. 

Learn More about Debt Relief Orders with Money Nerd!

Money Nerd has plenty of helpful information on Debt Relief Orders and other debt solutions. Check back in with us to learn more, soon!

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